Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Living in Filth

I will have to say that I have just read the most disgusting news story I think I have read.  According to the story the Macon GA city animal shelter is invested with roaches.  The area is so infested that the animals are covered in roaches at night and they have no way to escape the roaches.  An employee said the roaches are so bad that the walls and floors move and they must cover their plates when eating for fear that a roach will fall into their food.  Supposedly they spent three days cleaning this facility but it is still completely covered in roaches.    Am I the only on that has a problem with.  If we were talking about children living like this everyone would be up in arms demanding that something be done but since it is animals it is of little concern.  Do animals not deserve to live in clean conditions?  Should they not be allowed to have food that roaches have not crawled around in?  Animals do deserve to live in clean conditions and have safe food.  With these roaches crawling all over these animals and into their food they are exposed to diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and many other diseases.  We as humans would not want to be exposed to such filth and I can not understand how they animals must feel.  Just imagine roaches crawling all over your body and you should be able to get a sense of what the animals must be feeling.  This must not be stood for and they should be forced to clean this up.  There are ways to kill roaches that will not harm the animals so that is not an excuse for not cleaning up.  Animals deserve the same right to live in a clean environment.

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