Sunday, October 23, 2011

Agony in the ocean

Why can we as humans be so outraged at the atrocities we commit against each other but not have that same compassion for animals?  I was absolutely appalled by the recent death of a pilot whale on a New Jersey beach.  This poor creature starved to death.  After the whale died a necropsy was performed where they discovered the shocking truth to the whale’s ultimate demise.  The beautiful creature had been shot and the bullet was located in the whales jaw.  The bullet had cause an infection that left the whale unable to eat.  The poor creature wandered the sea in complete agony and spent months slowly starving to death.  Can you as a human imagine seeing food all around you but not being able to eat any of it?  There is nothing this poor animal did to deserve this.  It is speculated that maybe a fisherman shot it because it was bothering their fishing.  Well guess what, the whale was fishing these waters before we were and we are the ones invading their habitat.  Another possibility was the whale was shot for fun.    There are laws to protect the whales.  Law to protect them was put in place in 1972.  It was the Marine Mammal Protection Act and it states that anyone killing a whale can be fined 100, 000 dollars and placed in prison for 1 year.  This is just not enough punishment for this kind of atrocities.  We need to increase the fine and prison time.  More government money for more agents to protect all animals is needed.  It would also help if we change society’s ability to have more compassion for animals.  We must make changes to the laws and society so we can save the whales.  If a person was attacked and was unable to eat and left to die a slow death the world would be outraged and we would hunt the person responsible down and punish them. This should be the same response to this case. 

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