Thursday, September 1, 2011


I recently read an article about elephants and was surprised to learn that there where three types of elephants and not just two as I have always believed.  Scientist used DNA test and discovered the third species, which they are calling African Forest Elephant.  This was discovered when scientist were trying to track where poached ivory came from.  Forest elephants are much smaller than the other elephants.  They only grow to be eight feet tall.  They have ivory that is thin,straight, and has a pink color to them.  Out of the 500,000 elephants left only one-third of them are forest elephants.  The reason few are left is because their pink ivory is highly sought after.  The individuals that poach the ivory only do it for the money. They never take into consideration how they are wiping out the elephants.  Without the elephants the whole ecosystem will be changed and there is no telling what kind of changes the area will be forced to endure.  The poachers are not the only ones to blame.  If people would stop buying the ivory then the poachers would have no way to make money and they will be stop killing the elephants.  Most of the people that buy the ivory are the wealthy who view the possession of ivory as a status symbol. The buyers of the ivory also give no thought about elephants or the environment.  While there are laws to stop the killing of the elephants , it is often not enforced or the offender receives a slap on the wrist.  If we want the elephants to remain on this planet we must make stiffer regulations and we must enforce these regulations. Elephants are beautiful creatures that we must work to save.

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