Thursday, September 1, 2011

The End of A Way of Life

Citarum River
Citarum River

According to one of the most polluted rivers is the Citarum River located in Indonesia.  This river  is home to 9 million people.   Citarum river was greatly depended on by the people.  One thing the river provided was water to drink but one of the biggest things this river provided was money.  The local people would go out and fish the river to provide an income for there family.    The waters edge also use to be teeming with wildlife that came to drink.  It makes one wonder just what happen.   A large part of what happen was the industrial revolution.  Factories where built quickly along the river with little to no regard as to where their waste would go.  Many companies just dumped their chemical waste into the water.   The companies were not alone in polluting the water.  The people started to throw their trash into the river.  Both the companies and the people continued to do this day in and day out until the river became the mess that is pictured above.  What has this done to the people?  Due to everyone's polluting, the water is unfit to drink out of but the people have no choice, as there is no other water around to use. There are many toxins that are in the water that are harmful to the people and any animals.  The water is so full of trash that is hard to get enough oxygen in the water for plants and animals to live.  The villagers always counted on the fish for there lively hood and now they are forced to go out in boats and collect any garbage they think they can sell.  They villagers once could count of seeing many different animals around the water but now they are gone.  With no fish and animals the people have been forced to change there way of life.   This makes on wonder about our society in the United States.  Many people think nothing of throwing trash along the highways, in parking lots, and many other areas that it does not belong.  All this trash washes away in the rain, so many people never wonder where it winds up.  It often lands in streams or the ocean.  If we keep throwing away our trash that way, how long until our waterways look that way.  Due to the way we throw trash already we have a major problem with trash in the ocean.  This trash then affects the animals of the ocean.  Birds get there necks stuck in the rings of soda holders.  Many animals eat the plastic and then they die because their bodies can't digest the plastic.  When we kill off the fish in the ocean people can no longer make a living since their is nothing left to catch.  This trash also affects the crabs and lobster.  Many people depend on them for living and with polluted water animals no longer come to drink.  Being outside and seeing the animals help people relax and gives them enjoyment.  With no clean water to drink how long will the animals survive.  How long will we go before we say enough polluting and enough destroying wildlife?  What kind of destroy will it take to make us change the way we do things?  I don't know and I really never want to see us get to the point when there is no more wildlife to enjoy.

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